Donations to the Santa Ana Public Schools Foundation are used solely to support the academic achievement, programs and activities that directly benefit the students in the Santa Ana Unified School District.

Your generous donation can be directed to a specific program provided by the Santa Ana Public Schools Foundation. These programs include the CENA Holiday Meals and Toys program, the Scholarship program, the Spark Classroom Grant program, the State of the District Breakfast (our main fundraising event), and Visual and Performing Arts student resources. If you prefer the Foundation to designate where to direct your donation, please select “General Donation.”

After you confirm & submit your donation, you will be taken to PayPal for a 100% secure payment on

The Foundation strives to develop financial resources for programs and activities that will maximize student achievement, including support for the arts, scholarships and classroom and library grants.

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State of the District Breakfast

The School District and the Foundation will once again partner for the annual State of the School District Breakfast. This year’s theme is “We Are Better Working Together”.

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Every Holiday Season, SAPSF volunteers
partner with CENA to provide toys and gift certificates for the less fortunate of our families in Santa Ana.


Spark Classroom Grants

We offer grants to Santa Ana Unified School District educators to support innovative projects for students and to provide special opportunities for which no other funding exists, with the goal of enhanced educational achievement.



We help in creating opportunities for students in every school in the district offering multiple scholarship choices for students to choose from.